- Mission Wing Funfly 2010 (part 1)
- Mission Wing Funfly 2010 (part 2)
- Aerial shot from the Mission Wing site taken from a Quad heli by Sean
- EC 145, 4 Blade
- Spring flying at the Ridge field
- Indoor flying with the Lama
- Heli Rally at the Ridge, 2007
- Phil flying his Bell 47 G
- Missin Wing funfly 2002
- Funfly at the RCFCBC
- Mission Wing funfly 2005
- Rollie flying his Bell 222
- Formation flying with Phi & Dean
- Dean Wichmann demonstrating the Hot Cat (Turbine)
- Udo with Vario Benzine Trainer
- Jet planes
- Hughes 500 E, two blade and 23 ccm gas engine
- Hughes 500 E, five blade and 23 ccm gas engine
- BK 117, two blade and 23 ccm gas engine
- BK 117, four blade and 23 ccm gas engine
- Scott Gray flying at the XFC
- Mission Wing Funfly 2009, part I
- Mission Wing Funfly 2009, part II, stick banging
- Mission Wing Funfly 2009, part III
- Frank flying his Bell 222
- Video clip of our flying site by Frank; FlyCam One2 mounted on Hughes 500E
- Frank and his Breitling Hughes 500 E
- The big Vario Hughes 500 E with 5 blade head
- Excellent video by Sean McDonald from our flying site
- Udo flying the Schlueter Magic in 1989
- Phil flying his Lama at the Ridge field