Ridge Flyers RC Flying Club – Rules
- To use Ridge Flyers RC Flying Club property, members must have a current MAAC membership as well as a current Basic or Advanced Operation Certificate for CAR Part IX. Visiting fliers follow the same requirements.
- Each member must have paid their yearly club dues.
- Each pilot must have with them while on the property the following:
- MAAC Card
- Club Membership Card
- All flying must be done in accordance with Transport Canada CAR part IX
- All flying must be done in accordance with the most CURRENT MAAC Safety codes, Policies and Procedures documents. More details can be seen on the following website: http://www.maac.ca/en/documents.php
- All flying must be done in accordance with the guidelines set out in these documents.
- Club Membership card must be placed on the Pilot Rotation wheel while flying
- Guest pilots are prohibited unless arrangements are made with the club executive in advance.
- Normal Operating Procedures and Club Safety Rules are posted at field location
Normal Operating Procedures and Club Safety Rules
- No flying before 10am.
- Batteries shall not be connected to electric models unless the model is restrained in the pit area
- Gas/glow/turbine models must be restrained and started in the start-up stands or similar located in the pit area. Do not conduct prolonged tuning if other pilots are flying
- No taxiing or flying in the pit area at any time.
- No taxiing to the flight line when there are people at the flight line.
- No taxiing to the pit area.
- While flying, you must stand 7m back from the runway.
- The direction of take-off, landing, and traffic pattern will be determined by the prevailing winds. If no wind, all take-offs etc. shall be North to South.
- No congregating at the flight line. Only the person flying and their spotter are permitted at the flight line.
- No 3D flying over the runway when others flying at the same time. All 3D flying to be done past the runway in this case.
- No leaving your models at the flight line. This poses a tripping hazard for those flying.
- Absolutely no flying when there are farm workers on the field (i.e. cutting hay).
- Approved Flying Area is detailed in Figure 1 below.
- · No flying higher than 120m (400 feet)
- The default altitude limit is to remain below 400 feet above ground level. If higher is obtained this will be indicated in writing by either a Transport Canada SFOC or a MAAC certificate
- No flying in the Red No Fly Zone
- No flying over farm to the south when there are people on that field. In this case flying is limited to area marked in orange in Figure 1. Otherwise flying may be extended to the area marked in black in Figure 1.
- Noise levels are strictly enforced. Your model must be below 95dB at 3m. We have sound pressure meters at the field if you want to check you model.
- Recovery of models that have landed or crashed off the runway but in the flying area will be done in agreement with any pilots flying.
- If there is an accident requiring emergency services, cellular service is adequate to call 911. The field address is 10590 59Ave, Delta, BC, V4K3N3
Figure 1. Ridge Flyers RC Flying Club site layout

Ridge Flyers RC Flying Club operates within 3nm of an aerodrome as listed in the Canada Flight Supplement and is required to provide all members with the following information:
- The aerodrome name is Delta Heritage Air Park (CAK3) and it is located 1.8 nautical miles south of our modelling site.
- The aerodrome has one grass runway and is home to general aviation aircraft only with approximately 10 Cessna 172 high wing type aircraft.
- Our modeling site is well clear of the airport traffic pattern however from time-to-time aircraft may transit to Delta Heritage Air Park (CAK3).
- In the event of a “fly-away” towards CAK3, you may call the aerodrome operator at 604-543-8899 and advise them of the issue. Our site is in uncontrolled airspace so there is no need to notify ATC.
The club executive has contacted the operator (OPR) of CAK3, and they have expressed no issues with our RPAS site.
The club executive must do this and document the results
Figure 2. Delta Heritage Air Park (CAK3)

Figure 3. Delta Heritage Air Park Traffic Pattern

Figure 4. Ridge Flyers Site in proximity to Delta Heritage Air Park (CAK3).

- Ridge Flyers does not require additional pilot competency or knowledge requirements other than the requirements for Transport Canada CAR part IX.
- Club members should check for Delta Heritage Air Park (CAK3) related NOTAM either using the NAV CANADA NOTAM portal or using RPAS Wilco app or similar. If you are the first pilot of the day and have printed a RPAS Wilco site survey, please leave it at the site for fellow modelers to reference.
- No flying will commence until 10am and will end a half hour before sunset, the time of which is available on the Weather Network App for the city of Delta. Night flying is allowed at Ridge Flyers only if the model is brightly lit.
- No flying will occur below the Club mandated weather minimum:
- If cloud is present within 1000’ above the model flying area
- A horizontal visibility requirement of less than 3nm around the flying area, and
- If there is other obscuring conditions (fog, smoke, haze etc.) which could make spotting full- scale aircraft difficult.
- Visual observers and MAAC “spotters” are optional at our site. The following are club procedures for ensuring full scale aviation safety:
- When any member or other person spots a full-scale airplane, they are to yell out “AIRPLANE” in a loud voice.
- ALL Pilots MUST immediately descend to as low an altitude as possible and then land as soon as safely able.
- When the full-scale airplane is no longer a threat, the person who gave the warning shall yell “ALL CLEAR”, or the pilots may make that determination themselves, and resume flying.
- If there is any type of near miss or safety concern between a full-scale aircraft and our RPA, ALL FLYING SHALL cease immediately. The members involved should fill out a MAAC reportable occurrence report and submit that to the Club executive and follow MAAC policy with the following exceptions:
- If the member(s) involved believe the risk was very minimal, they may complete their own self declaration or risk assessment using the MAAC form. Submit a copy of the form to the club executive when able and recall you must keep this form for one year (CAR901.49 (2)). Resume flying when done.
- If the member or Club executive deems the event serious, flying will not resume until members are given permission by the Club executive – in writing.
- If there is actual contact between an aircraft and a MAAC RPAS – all flying will cease until MAAC confirms we may resume operations.
- This process is for your protection.
- There are no other risk mitigating strategies required at Ridge Flyers RC Flying Club. The normal MAAC “see and avoid” practice is deemed sufficient to ensure our RPAS do not operate in a manner that could interfere with aircraft operating in an established traffic pattern.
- The Club executive will review these rules at least once a year

Common Courtesy Rules
- No running up or breaking in engines in the pit area for long periods of time. If you would like to break-in an engine, please take it to the other side of the container to reduce noise levels for your fellow members.
- Keep flight times to under 10 minutes when the site is busy.
- Please take all your garbage home with you.
- Do not drop off old model parts in the hope the someone will take them home.
- Take all your belongings with you, including your garbage at the end of the day.
- Drive into the site slowly. This keeps dust down for our neighbors and helps stop wash boarding of the roadway.
- Do not park at the tables in the pit area if you have no intent on flying. Park off to the side